Freaking Mind is a well known software company in south India. It is still growing in terms of revenue and number of employees. It publicizes for its smallest achievements including its philanthropic works if any, which has created a positive impression among masses associated with business as that of Freaking Mind. Therefore, people often think to join Freaking Mind; however, it has certain internal employee exploiting policies unknown to outside world - read on to find out. Needless to say, "The grass on the other side always looks greener."
Manasi Rupa was also biased by media like others. Her happiness knew no bounds when she got offer from her dream company Freaking Mind last year. No sooner had she joined, she came to know the loop holes in internal processes, policies and management. It was her second company and she had six long years of experience in a small organization prior to joining Freaking Mind. She could not survive the exploitative rules and at last decided to resign after her encounter with senior management and HR last month.
What was the last encounter she had? Was Freaking Mind so inhumane towards her? The incident goes like this. Manasi fell sick due to severe cold and headache on December 01, Thursday. She informed her manager that she was not in a position to come to office due to sickness, she needed rest, and she would be back to work on Monday. On Monday, back in office, when she tried to apply sick leave before leaving for the day, it was rejected by the system!!
Manasi came to know that those two days will be compensated as follows:
1 - her only left over annual leave would be deducted
2 - she had to incur loss of pay for one day
She had never experienced such pernicious rules before. She raised her concern with senior management and HR, but failed in all attempts as they dismissed her plea citing that the decision was in conformity with company policies. She could not reconcile and decided to put her paper soon after the incident. She started looking for job and got several offers within two weeks. Manasi noted that the policy literally had below constraints which were ridiculous.
- Employee is required to be sick at least for three consecutive working days
- By sickness, it is imperative that the employee is hospitalized, otherwise, his or her application for sick leave will be rejected. So taking first point into consideration, you are required to be hospitalized for three consecutive working days, to be eligible to avail your sick leaves!!
- You are not allowed to apply sick leave if you fall ill on Thursday or Friday because you won't be able to apply sick leave for three consecutive working days. Your annual leave will be deducted.
- Cold, Flu, Fever, Acute headaches cannot be considered as sickness. Only hospitalization is considered as sickness.
- Only prescription is not enough for sick leave approval even if it is for three days. A written letter from your doctor with his contact number has to be submitted for verification. After verification with your doctor by HR only will your leave be approved.
Heck to all such rules! Better to remove the choice of availing sick leaves than to put so many constraints that literally tortures the employee!! Why is this kolaveri...?
Note: Real names have been avoided. Coincidence is incidental.
Note: Real names have been avoided. Coincidence is incidental.